How to Use the Scheduler
Here are the instructions to access the scheduler for office space bookings:
On the right side of this page, you see a green scheduler button. Click on that button to access the Scheduler for East County Biz Center. If you are your phone, scroll down to the green button.
If this is your first time logging in please use the (create account) and follow the prompts
If this is not your first time logging in, please enter your username and password and review the Logging In section below
Login section:
Pick a username (your own name is fine)
Enter a Password
Password Verification
Default Home page (down arrow to schedule)
Profile section:
First Name
Last Name
Timezone (Just leave it leave America/Los Angeles)
Additional Information (optional) Just enter your phone number so its easy for us to contact you if needed.
Organization (just leave this blank)
Position (just leave this blank)
Security Code
Please enter code listed. (This is just to prevent robots from making reservations.)
Then click on REGISTER and you’re good to go! Follow the instructions below:
Logging In
Select the “Schedule” tab which will drop down a menu
Select “Bookings” from the drop down menu.
Select the office and time you want to book
click on the time and drag your
Then click on Schedule tab at the top.
Then select “Bookings” from the drop down menu of schedule tab.
Select the day, the office or conference room you want to use and then click on the time you want to start.
Another menu called “create a new reservation” will drop down and you can fill in your “stop” time.
At this point click on the green “Create” button in the top right of the page. You’re finished with this booking! Now…
You can fill out any other appropriate information and hit “Create” again if need be.
The system will then “pop up” a reservation confirmation number. Providing there are no conflicts when
the reservation is reviewed the next morning by the receptionist, you’re reservation is complete.
Thanks for using the system! Book another one!